SkyWest Continues to Tie Itself in Knots when Trying to Defend Illegal Firings

Statement from the Association of Flight Attendants-CWA:

“SkyWest replied late Friday to our demand letter for reinstating Tresa and Shane, offering weak and absurd arguments without agreeing to rehire them. Our legal team is reviewing SkyWest’s response and next steps. We will continue to support both Flight Attendants robustly.

A “Demand Letter” is a legal step. While we cannot discuss our legal strategy publicly, rest assured we'll keep you updated as the process moves forward.

In the meantime, keep promoting the petition and urge fellow Flight Attendants to sign a card to join our union. This is the only way to hold management accountable for their actions and have a real union that comes with it the right to negotiate a legally binding contract.”

Request SkyWest AFA Cards to sign and share!

Listen to the latest episode of “It's Time Live” podcast.


Ep 7: Let’s Do This!


Ep 6: AFA Already Has Our Backs