AFA Successes

The Association of Flight Attendants-CWA (AFA-CWA) has been a pivotal force in advancing the rights, safety, and working conditions of Flight Attendants, as well as enhancing the overall experience for the flying public. Founded in 1945 as the Air Line Stewardesses Association, it began a rich history of advocacy and support for Flight Attendants.

Historical Achievements:

  • In 1946, the union won its first contract, improving pay and work standards.

  • The 1950s and 1960s saw the enforcement of cabin safety rules and the use of civil rights legislation to challenge discriminatory policies.

  • The 1970s brought legal victories against unfair marriage and pregnancy policies and ensured equal pay for female Flight Attendants.

Safety and Working Conditions:

  • AFA-CWA's efforts in the 1980s led to significant cabin safety improvements and reduced carry-on baggage.

  • The union's advocacy resulted in a smoking ban on domestic flights in the 1990s, along with efforts to align Flight Attendant working conditions with OSHA standards.

Post-2000 Initiatives:

  • Following the 9/11 attacks, AFA-CWA focused on enhancing airline security and supporting furloughed Flight Attendants.

  • The 2000s saw the union advocating for whistleblower protection, seniority protection in mergers, and Flight Attendant certification.

  • Recognition of Flight Attendants as first responders was a significant achievement.

Recent Contributions and the Payroll Protection Program:

  • AFA-CWA has been instrumental in the release of a detained Flight Attendant and established a Disaster Relief Fund for members affected by disasters.

  • The union's advocacy for the Protection from Abusive Passengers Act highlights its commitment to Flight Attendant safety.

  • A significant recent achievement was establishing a rule for a minimum of 10 hours of non-reducible rest between duty days for Flight Attendants, enhancing safety and well-being.

  • AFA-CWA played a crucial role in assisting Flight Attendants across the industry with establishing the Payroll Protection Program, ensuring financial stability and job security during challenging economic times.

The AFA-CWA's history is characterized by relentless advocacy for better pay, benefits, working conditions, and safety standards for Flight Attendants, significantly impacting the airline industry and improving passenger experience. This overview, while comprehensive, may not encompass all of the AFA-CWA's efforts, which continue to evolve in response to the airline industry's dynamic nature.