Answers to some of the most frequently asked question are available on this page.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Why Do We Need a Union When We Already Have SIA?

SkyWest Flight Attendants will run our Union for SkyWest Flight Attendants. Our chosen leaders will answer to us, not management. With a union contract, we can lock in what we like about our jobs and improve the things that should be better. We will also gain the protections of unionized workers, such as the grievance process which enables us to properly resolve disputes with the company regarding everything from work rule violations to wrongful terminations.

Why SIA Falls Short:

  • Company-Controlled: The SkyWest Inflight Association (SIA) is funded and controlled by SkyWest, creating a significant conflict of interest. This structure allows management to use SIA as a tool for their agenda rather than a true representative of our interests​​​​.

  • Lack of True Representation: Despite the efforts of our coworkers to make positive changes through SIA, they found it to be designed to prioritize management’s interests over those of Flight Attendants. This means that many of our concerns are often ignored or dismissed​​.

Union Benefits:

  • Independent Representation: A union ensures that we decide our priorities and that management is legally obligated to meet with our union leaders and bargain in good faith to resolve our issues. This gives us a stronger voice and better protection in our workplace.

  • Grievance Process: Unions provide a structured and legally protected grievance process. This means that if you face wrongful termination, work rule violations, or any other disputes, there is a clear, fair, and legally binding process to resolve these issues. The grievance process helps ensure that all Flight Attendants are treated fairly and that any issues are addressed promptly and effectively.

  • Job Security: With a union, job security is significantly enhanced. A union contract ensures that your job conditions, pay, and benefits are clearly defined and cannot be arbitrarily changed by management. This stability allows you to plan for the future with confidence, knowing that your job is protected by a legally binding agreement.

  • Improved Working Conditions: Unions have a proven track record of negotiating better working conditions for their members. This includes everything from safer working environments to more reasonable schedules and workloads. With a union, we can work together to ensure that our working conditions meet the highest standards of safety and fairness.

  • Better Pay and Benefits: Unionized workers typically enjoy better pay and benefits than their non-union counterparts. This is because unions negotiate collectively on behalf of all members, leveraging the collective power of the workforce to secure better compensation packages. This includes higher wages, better health benefits, and more substantial retirement plans.

  • Democratic Decision-Making: Unions operate on democratic principles, meaning all members have a say in the decisions that affect them. This includes voting on contracts, electing union leaders, and deciding on the union's priorities. This democratic process ensures that the union truly represents the interests of its members.

  • Collective Bargaining Power: A union gives us the collective bargaining power to negotiate with management as equals. This means we can secure better terms and conditions than we could as individuals. Collective bargaining allows us to address issues that matter most to us, such as fair scheduling practices, job safety, and respect in the workplace.

  • Legal Protection: Unions provide legal protection and representation to their members. If you face disciplinary actions, wrongful termination, or any other legal issues related to your employment, the union can provide legal assistance and representation. This ensures that your rights are protected and that you have the support you need in any legal matters.

  • Power of Unity: Being part of a union means being part of a larger community of workers who support each other. This sense of solidarity and mutual support can make a significant difference in our work lives, providing a sense of belonging and a stronger collective voice.

Forming our own union gives us the power and protection we need to improve our work conditions, ensure fair treatment, and secure better pay and benefits. With a union, we have the collective strength to stand up for our rights and ensure that our voices are heard.

Pilot Union Video: Management spends millions of dollars on union-busting consultants who help them work against us establishing a real union. They don’t want us to have independent power at work, and it’s all about greed.

Doesn't a Union Only Want Our Dues?

Fact: There are ZERO DUES until after we approve our first contract, meaning we do not pay anything during the negotiation process.

100% of dues go to representing Flight Attendants and lifting our voices for safety, respect, and dignity on the job along with a union contract that defines our pay, benefits, and work rules.

Understanding Union Dues:

  • Value for Money: We would only approve a contract that provides benefits far exceeding the cost of dues, which are $50 per month.

  • Direct Benefits: Approximately 80% of dues go directly to funding work at each airline, such as Local Councils, Master Executive Councils, Negotiations, and System Board​​​​.

  • Support Services: The remaining budget supports expert services like Legal, Government Affairs, Air Safety, EAP, IT, and Communications, all of which provide resources for Flight Attendant representation.

For detailed information, click here.

Why AFA and Not Another Union?

The Association of Flight Attendants-CWA (AFA-CWA) stands out as the most specialized and effective union for our profession. Representing over 50,000 Flight Attendants at 20 airlines, AFA-CWA is uniquely positioned to understand and address the specific needs and challenges we face. Known as "The Flight Attendant Union," AFA-CWA has a proven track record of advocating for our rights and improving our work lives through dedicated, focused representation.


  • Expert Representation: AFA-CWA represents over 50,000 Flight Attendants at 20 airlines, making it the most specialized union for our profession. This focus ensures that the union's resources, strategies, and advocacy are all tailored to the unique needs of Flight Attendants. It is recognized as "The Flight Attendant Union," reflecting its dedicated commitment to our career.

Legislative Impact:

  • Pandemic Protections: During the COVID-19 pandemic, AFA-CWA was instrumental in crafting legislation that kept Flight Attendants employed and receiving paychecks. The union's efforts were crucial in securing the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), which provided billions of dollars in funding to airlines, ensuring that Flight Attendants continued to receive their salaries despite the downturn in air travel. This significant achievement highlights AFA-CWA's effective advocacy and its ability to protect our livelihoods during times of crisis.

  • FMLA Eligibility: AFA-CWA played a pivotal role in making Flight Attendants eligible to use Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) benefits. Traditionally, FMLA eligibility requirements did not account for the unique scheduling of Flight Attendants. AFA-CWA developed a formula that converts Flight Attendant schedules to meet FMLA's required minimums, allowing Flight Attendants to qualify for and benefit from FMLA protections​​. This advocacy ensures that Flight Attendants can take necessary leave for family and medical reasons without fear of job loss.

  • Safety Regulations: AFA-CWA has been instrumental in passing safety regulations that directly impact our working conditions and the safety of our passengers. This includes securing better emergency procedures, protective equipment, and safety training programs.

  • Rest and Duty Time: The union has successfully lobbied for improved rest periods and limits on duty time to combat fatigue, ensuring that Flight Attendants are well-rested and capable of performing their duties safely.

Legacy of Success:

  • Establishing Key Rights: Over its 75-year history, AFA-CWA has been a leader in advancing the Flight Attendant profession. The union has successfully advocated for numerous improvements that many of us may now take for granted. These include:

    • Safety Regulations: AFA-CWA has played a pivotal role in establishing and enforcing safety regulations that protect Flight Attendants and passengers. This includes advocating for better emergency procedures, protective equipment, and safety training.

    • Job Protections: The union has fought for stronger job protections, ensuring that Flight Attendants have the security of knowing they cannot be arbitrarily fired or disciplined without just cause. This includes the implementation of fair grievance and arbitration processes.

    • Fair Compensation: Through collective bargaining, AFA-CWA has secured better pay and benefits for its members. This includes negotiating higher wages, improved health benefits, and more substantial retirement plans, ensuring that Flight Attendants are fairly compensated for their work.

    • Work-Life Balance: AFA-CWA has advocated for better work-life balance, negotiating for more reasonable scheduling practices, rest periods, and time-off policies. This helps Flight Attendants maintain their health and well-being while managing the demands of their job.

Recent Successes:

  • Pay Raises and Better Contracts: AFA-CWA has recently negotiated significant pay raises and improved contracts for Flight Attendants at several airlines. These contracts include better compensation, improved working conditions, and stronger job protections, demonstrating the union's ongoing commitment to enhancing our profession.

  • Advocacy for Mental Health: Recognizing the importance of mental health, AFA-CWA has pushed for better mental health resources and support for Flight Attendants. This includes advocating for Employee Assistance Programs (EAP) that provide confidential counseling and support services.

  • Combating Harassment: AFA-CWA has been at the forefront of efforts to combat harassment and discrimination in the workplace. The union has successfully advocated for stronger policies and training programs to ensure a safe and respectful working environment for all Flight Attendants.

AFA-CWA's long history of successes and ongoing dedication to improving the Flight Attendant profession make it the best choice for representing our interests. By joining AFA-CWA, we gain the strength of a union that understands our unique needs and has a proven track record of securing meaningful improvements in our work lives.What Can a Union Give Us That We Don't Already Have?

Union Contract Benefits:

  • Job Security: A union contract locks in our current benefits and provides a platform to improve our working conditions. It ensures that management cannot unilaterally change our terms.

  • Collective Bargaining: With a union, we can negotiate based on our unique priorities, ensuring that our specific needs and concerns are addressed.

Strength in Numbers:

  • Solidarity: By joining forces with over 50,000 other Flight Attendants across 20 airlines and 700,000 members of CWA, we gain strength and solidarity, making our collective voice more powerful.

What Are Some of AFA’s Successes?

Contractual Achievements:

  • Tailored Contracts: Each AFA-represented carrier has unique contracts, with changes and improvements approved by Flight Attendants through Tentative Agreements before becoming part of an enforceable contract.

  • Legislative Wins: AFA played a principal role in establishing the Paycheck Protection Program, securing billions in funding to keep Flight Attendants on payroll during the pandemic. SkyWest received hundreds of millions of dollars thanks to AFA’s legislative efforts​​​​.

For more successes, view AFA Successes booklet and more recent successes.

Why Does the Company Not Want Us to Have a Union?

Current Situation:

  • Management Control: SkyWest currently holds sole authority over decisions affecting our job conditions, often prioritizing company profits over our best interests.

  • Lack of Formal Representation: Without a union, we lack a formal platform to advocate for ourselves, leaving us vulnerable to management’s unilateral decisions.

Union Advantages:

  • Collective Voice: Forming a union gives us a collective voice and legal standing to negotiate and protect our rights. This ensures that we have representation from people we choose, who truly listen to us and stand up to management on our behalf. Together, we can create a work environment where our voices are heard, and our needs are addressed​​.​​.

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