How Does AFA Hold Elections Differently Than SIA?

The SkyWest Inflight Association (SIA), the fake union created by SkyWest management, has come under scrutiny for its handling of flight attendant elections and other attempts to appear as a real union, exposing these actions as a charade under the control and manipulation of the company. According to the Department of Labor lawsuit against SIA, SkyWest’s unlawful funding and control of SIA violates the Railway Labor Act (RLA) by interfering with employees' rights to organize and coercing them not to join a legitimate union. In stark contrast, the Association of Flight Attendants-CWA (AFA-CWA) adheres to stringent regulations outlined in its Constitution and By-Laws, ensuring transparent, fair, and democratic elections. This article will highlight the significant differences between how SIA conducts elections and how AFA-CWA ensures compliance with federal regulations to truly represent its members' interests​​​​.

SIA's Flawed Election Processes

  1. Lack of Independence: SIA elections are deeply entangled with SkyWest management. SkyWest funds SIA, including its elections, leading to a conflict of interest and undermining the independence of the process​​​​. This financial dependency on the company compromises SIA's ability to act as a genuine representative body for flight attendants.

  2. Election Irregularities: During the most recent SIA elections in August 2023, numerous flight attendants reported issues with the voting process. These included being unable to vote because the system indicated they had already cast their ballots and the suspicious availability of voting credentials online​​. These irregularities led to widespread distrust among flight attendants regarding the election's legitimacy and eventually the Department of Labor filed a lawsuit against SIA.

  3. Lack of Transparency: SIA has failed to comply with the federal Labor Management Reporting and Disclosure Act (LMRDA), which requires detailed reporting of income sources and expenditures. Neither SkyWest nor SIA has filed the necessary reports, obscuring the financial and operational transparency required by law​​.

  4. Management Interference: SkyWest management's involvement in SIA's activities, including attending meetings and advising on bylaws, further illustrates the lack of independence and impartiality in SIA's operations​​. This interference directly contradicts the principles of unbiased representation required under federal labor laws.

AFA-CWA's Commitment to Fair Elections

  1. Strict Adherence to By-Laws: The AFA-CWA follows its Constitution and By-Laws rigorously, which are designed to ensure fair and democratic elections. These guidelines include transparent nomination processes, secret ballots, and independent oversight to prevent any undue influence or manipulation.

  2. Independent Election Management: AFA-CWA elections are conducted by an independent third party, ensuring that the process remains free from employer interference and maintains the integrity of the election​​. This independence is crucial for building trust among members and ensuring that their votes genuinely reflect their interests.

  3. Compliance with Federal Regulations: The AFA-CWA complies fully with the LMRDA, filing annual reports that disclose all financial transactions and sources of income. This transparency ensures that members are fully informed about how their dues are used and can hold their representatives accountable​​.

  4. Protection Against Retaliation: AFA-CWA actively protects its members' rights to organize and advocate for their interests without fear of retaliation. This commitment is evident in their legal actions against SkyWest for the wrongful termination of union supporters, showcasing their dedication to defending flight attendants' rights under the Railway Labor Act (RLA)​​​​.

Night and Day Difference

The stark differences between SIA and AFA-CWA's election processes highlight the importance of having an independent, transparent, and fair representative body for SkyWest flight attendants. While SIA's elections are marred by management interference and a lack of transparency, AFA-CWA stands as a beacon of fair representation, adhering to strict constitutional guidelines and federal regulations to ensure that flight attendants' voices are genuinely heard and respected. Joining AFA-CWA means advocating for a representative body that truly works for the interests of flight attendants, free from the undue influence of management.


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