Why Do Contract Negotiations Take So Long?

Many SkyWest Flight Attendants have questions about the benefits of unionizing, especially when it seems like contract negotiations can drag on for years with other airlines. However, forming our own union with the AFA-CWA can make a significant difference for all of us, even when negotiations take time. Here's why:

Management's Strategy: Deliberate Delay

It's no secret that management sometimes uses prolonged negotiations as a strategy to wear down union members. But this strategy is losing its effectiveness. Our colleagues at other airlines have shown incredible unity, using strike votes and a firm stance to demonstrate that delays only strengthen their resolve. Additionally, demanding retroactive pay ensures that even when negotiations take time, they don't lose out on the compensation they deserve.

Union Solidarity: A Powerful Countermeasure

When we stand together as a unified group of SkyWest Flight Attendants, we send a powerful message to management: our needs and priorities cannot be ignored. Without a union, each of us is at the mercy of management's decisions. At non-union airlines, management can ignore the will of Flight Attendants and make unilateral decisions. However, as a united front, we have a strong, collective voice that can advocate for our rights and interests.

Deciding Priorities: The Union Advantage

Union representation empowers us to collectively decide our priorities. In a non-unionized environment, management often sets the agenda based on what they think is enough to keep us from unionizing. With a union, we have a direct say in what matters most to us, whether it's better wages, improved work rules, or enhanced safety standards. This democratic process ensures that our most pressing issues are addressed, rather than just the surface-level concerns management might consider sufficient.

Enforceable Contracts: Stability and Security

Contracts negotiated by unions are legally enforceable agreements. This means that once we have a contract, management can't change the terms without our agreement. Even when a contract becomes amendable, all provisions remain active and enforceable until we reach a new agreement. This guarantees our stability and security, knowing our rights and benefits are protected over the long term.

Real Achievements: Beyond the Surface

Unionized Flight Attendants have achieved significant victories that go far beyond what is visible on the surface. While management might offer just enough to prevent unionization, these concessions often lack the depth and comprehensiveness of what unions secure. Improved work rules, better safety protocols, and fairer compensation structures are just a few examples of the substantial gains won through union negotiations. These achievements reflect the true power of our collective action.

The Power of a Credible Strike Threat

One of the most powerful tools in a union's arsenal is the credible threat of a strike. This potential action can significantly influence negotiations, pushing management to take our demands seriously and come to the table with more reasonable offers. A strike threat showcases our unity and determination, demonstrating that we are willing to take significant steps to achieve fair treatment. This leverage often leads to quicker and more favorable resolutions in negotiations, as management seeks to avoid the operational disruptions and financial losses associated with a strike.

The Long-Term View: Sustained Benefits

While negotiations may seem prolonged, the long-term benefits of union representation far outweigh the temporary frustrations. The stability, security, and fair treatment that come with a union-negotiated contract provide a foundation for a more satisfying and sustainable career. Successful negotiations set a precedent, paving the way for future improvements and ensuring that our voices continue to be heard and respected.

Unity Pays

While the extended timeline of recent AFA-CWA contract negotiations might be discouraging, it’s essential to embrace the broader context and the immense benefits that union representation provides. Our ability to collectively decide priorities, the power of unity, and the real, lasting achievements won through persistent bargaining all underscore the importance of union representation. Management’s strategy to drag out negotiations is becoming increasingly futile against organized and determined union members. By standing together, we ensure that our needs and priorities are not just acknowledged but addressed comprehensively and fairly. Fighting for what Flight Attendants want during negotiations may take time, but the gains are worth the effort. Together, we are stronger and more resilient, ready to face any challenge that comes our way.


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