Ep 6: AFA Already Has Our Backs

In this episode of "It's Time Live," we want to express our unwavering support for our fellow SkyWest AFA Activist Flight Attendants facing a challenging situation.

The Association of Flight Attendants (AFA) stands firmly with these flight attendants who have been unjustly terminated by SkyWest management. These terminations are acts of retaliation against their involvement in organizing efforts to establish a genuine Flight Attendant union at SkyWest.

In this blog post, we'll delve into the podcast transcript to explore the key points discussed by Sara Nelson, International President of AFA-CWA, and John Morse, Associate General Counsel of AFA-CWA. We'll also highlight the critical role that unions play in protecting workers' rights in the airline industry.

It’s Time for a SkyWest Flight Attendant Union

SkyWest Flight Attendants have been working tirelessly to establish their own union, separate from an in-house organization known as SkyWest Inflight Association (SIA). Many of our colleagues have long felt that SIA was under the influence of management and could not truly represent their interests. Two brave Flight Attendants, Shane and Tresa, shed light on the flaws in the voting system within SIA, emphasizing the urgent need for a legitimate union. Their actions drew attention to management's control over SIA and their efforts to discourage Flight Attendants from seeking true representation.

The Role of the National Mediation Board (NMB)

The National Mediation Board (NMB) is pivotal in certifying a union as the legitimate representative of Flight Attendants. This certification provides legal protections for the union and ensures management cannot interfere with the chosen representative. Furthermore, the NMB oversees negotiations and labor relations between unions and airline management, holding both parties accountable. Establishing a union through the NMB guarantees enforceable rights for Flight Attendants and prevents management from undermining state laws that offer additional protections.

Why AFA Stands by SkyWest Flight Attendants

One central question discussed in the podcast was why AFA supports SkyWest Flight Attendants even when they haven't paid union dues. Sara Nelson and John Morse emphasized that the AFA's mission is to safeguard and advance the Flight Attendant profession, regardless of whether individuals have paid dues. They stressed the importance of unity and the collective strength of Flight Attendants. A stronger, united voice can lead to improved working conditions and a fairer workplace for everyone. AFA supports organizing efforts because it firmly believes in the power of solidarity among Flight Attendants.

Protecting Whistleblowers

Whistleblower protection was another crucial topic addressed. Flight Attendants have legal protections as whistleblowers when they raise concerns related to safety and security issues. Unions, like the AFA, play an essential role in ensuring that these protections are upheld and that Flight Attendants are shielded from retaliation for reporting safety concerns. Whistleblower protection is vital for maintaining the integrity and safety of the aviation industry.

Voting and Election Integrity

The podcast also touched on the protocols and safeguards in place for voting and elections within the AFA. These include secret voting and the use of reputable third-party voting companies to ensure the integrity of the process. AFA adheres to Department of Labor regulations and policies to guarantee transparency and fairness in all elections. Having a union ensures Flight Attendants that their voting rights are protected, and their voices are heard.

The "It's Time Live" podcast episode sheds light on the ongoing work of SkyWest Flight Attendants to establish a genuine Flight Attendant union. It underscores organizations like the Association of Flight Attendants’ role in defending workers' rights, protecting whistleblowers, and ensuring transparent and fair voting processes. The fight for a real union at SkyWest represents a broader movement for workers' rights and accountability in the aviation industry and beyond.

We stand together, united in our pursuit of fairness and justice in the workplace.

Sign the Petition to Demand SkyWest Rehire Shane and Tresa


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