Ep 7: Let’s Do This!

Tune in as SkyWest Flight Attendants Brandon, Jacque, and Kelly demystify everything you need to know about the SkyWest AFA campaign. Wondering how to make the SkyWest Flight Attendant Union a reality? It's simple: Sign your SkyWest AFA Authorization Card, mail it in, and spread the word by sharing extra cards with coworkers.

When we're unionized, we'll be in a strong position to negotiate a binding contract with management that delivers the enhanced pay, improved work conditions, and crucial job safeguards that SkyWest Flight Attendants deserve. 

In this episode, we break down the nuts and bolts of the organizing process. You'll learn about the pivotal role played by the National Mediation Board (NMB) and discover how legal protections are in place to prevent any retaliatory actions from management against pro-union employees.

So sign that card, and wear your AFA pin with pride!


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