New Hires Deserve Better Than Management’s Fear Tactics

As fellow SkyWest Flight Attendants, we created Life Line to build a supportive community that addresses the challenges faced by those in initial training and just starting out on the line. Unfortunately, management has spread misinformation and used fear tactics to discourage new hires from connecting with pro-union colleagues who are advocating for the best interests of all Flight Attendants, including our newest crew members.

Let’s clear the air.

Management’s Fear Tactics: Keeping You Unprotected

SkyWest management is doing everything in its power to keep Flight Attendants unprotected and without the true voice that a union provides. They know that a union gives Flight Attendants the means to hold management accountable and the power to push back against wrongful discipline, unfair treatment, and terminations. Sadly, many SkyWest Flight Attendants at all seniority levels have faced unjust disciplinary action, and without the protection of a union, there is little they can do to defend themselves.

SkyWest continues to rely on this power imbalance, but it doesn’t have to be this way. By forming our Union, we will fight for fair treatment and ensure that every Flight Attendant has the protection they deserve. We will also negotiate an enforceable contract built on the priorities determined by SkyWest Flight Attendants.

Note: We will pay zero dues until we approve our first contract.

Union Protection: Shortening Probation and Strengthening Your Rights

One of the major issues Flight Attendants face at SkyWest is the unusually long probationary period, which management uses to its advantage. Unlike other AFA-represented carriers, where probation is typically shorter, as outlined in AFA contracts, SkyWest’s extended probation leaves new hires vulnerable for a longer period. During this time, management can terminate employees without consequence or liability, even for unjust reasons. At SkyWest, even when off probation, management can still fire you for any reason they choose, but you might have a stronger case to challenge the decision. However, without a union, you lack active protection, leaving you exposed to management’s discretion and having to fight back against the company’s actions on your own.

Our SkyWest AFA Union will work to shorten the probationary period, bringing it in line with the industry standards seen at other unionized carriers. With our Union, the sooner you’re off probation, the sooner you’ll gain full union protection. With a union, you will have the backing of a strong collective to defend your rights, challenge unfair treatment, and prevent wrongful terminations. This protection would ensure that new hires are safeguarded much sooner from unjust discipline, giving you a voice and the security you deserve.

Flight Attendants Helping Flight Attendants: The True Union Spirit

Throughout your 35-day training, we understand the financial strain many new hires face. You’re only paid for about 2 flight hours per day, which barely covers the essentials—especially when training is housed far from necessary amenities like grocery stores and pharmacies. On top of that, unexpected expenses arise: needing allergy medicine or being required to purchase new training-compliant clothing can quickly eat up your daily wages, especially with costly Uber rides.

This is where your fellow Flight Attendants come in. Local SkyWest Flight Attendants have stepped up, offering rides and helping with grocery pickups to ease the burden. Importantly, we don’t ask for anything in return—no union cards, no commitments—just simple, mutual support. This is what it means to be a part of a union: Flight Attendants helping each other, ensuring everyone has the resources they need to succeed.

Management’s Misinformation: Separating Us Weakens Us

Management has been telling new hires to stay away from pro-union Flight Attendants, claiming we’re part of a "scam." Nothing could be further from the truth. Their goal is to keep us divided because they know when we’re separated, we’re weaker. SkyWest has even created a fake in-house union, the SkyWest Inflight Association (SIA), which is fully funded and controlled by management. SIA exists solely to prevent you from gaining the real protections a union like AFA-CWA provides.

Article: The Department of Labor (DOL) Sues SkyWest Inflight Association (SIA)

SkyWest’s attempts to divide us are designed to prevent Flight Attendants from having a real voice. With the Association of Flight Attendants-CWA, we have the power to negotiate better wages, benefits, and working conditions—and, most importantly, protect each other from unfair treatment. Management’s fear of unionization is rooted in the knowledge that a united workforce is powerful.

You Have the Right to Choose

Despite management’s scare tactics, you have the legal right to talk with your colleagues about union representation, whether in the crew rooms or outside of work. You also have the right to choose real representation that the company doesn’t control. By supporting the formation of your SkyWest AFA Union, you are choosing a future where Flight Attendants have the power to challenge unfair discipline, negotiate better contracts, and ensure fair treatment for all.

Reach Out: We Are Here for You

Don't hesitate to reach out if you’re a new hire and need support during training or out on the line. Whether you need a ride to the store, advice on uniform issues, or just a conversation about your rights, we’re here to help. Our goal is to ensure that every new hire can succeed—not just today but throughout their career.

Together, we can build a future where all SkyWest Flight Attendants are protected, respected, and empowered. Let’s create that future together.

Gailen David

Gailen David is not just a name in the aviation industry; he is a symbol of a journey well-taken. A former airline purser and internationally recognized Jetiquette guru, Gailen has spent his illustrious career transforming the world of travel. His unwavering commitment to passenger comfort and his tireless advocacy for friendlier skies have made him a celebrated figure in aviation circles.

Having stood at the forefront as a champion for both travelers and airline personnel, Gailen utilizes his extensive experience to create a harmonious and respectful atmosphere aloft. He recognizes the intrinsic value of each passenger's experience and is unrelenting in his pursuit of excellence, ensuring everyone involved in the flight feels esteemed and acknowledged.

Gailen's keen eye for the nuances of travel has allowed him to become an influential voice in enhancing the resources and support systems that enable airline staff to perform their duties with grace and safety. His mission transcends the ordinary, elevating the travel experience to an art form where courtesy, enjoyment, and professionalism blend seamlessly.

With an innovative approach marked by a blend of empathy and practical know-how, Gailen promises a future where flying is an extraordinary experience, not just a means to an end. His work stands as a testament to a vision where the skies are filled with respect, grace, and joy for all. His symbol of a journey well-taken continues to inspire a generation of travelers and airline professionals.


Ep 19: Interview with Romero Malone