Why Coworkers Join Management's Anti-Union Campaign: An Empathetic Look

Unionization is a hot topic at SkyWest Airlines headquarters, and management shows us that they will do practically anything to prevent us from gaining our place at the table. While many of us are working hard to build our SkyWest AFA Union, some colleagues are siding with management's anti-union stance.

Why would anyone work against their coworkers by helping management fight our SkyWest AFA campaign?

Let's dive into why this happens and understand their perspectives with empathy.

The Power of Misinformation

SkyWest management has gone all out to spread anti-union messages. They even set up and fund the SkyWest Inflight Association (SIA), which is supposed to represent Flight Attendants but is really under SkyWest’s control​​. Management’s creation and support of this "company union" misleads some of us into thinking we're represented when, in reality, it blocks true collective bargaining. Many of our colleagues have taken roles in SIA only to find that management dictates SIA’s actions and prevents them from being able to represent SkyWest Flight Attendants.

Some Flight Attendants support the anti-union campaign because they believe what management says. They hear management’s false claims of potential job losses, less flexibility, and union dues with no real benefits. Why do people fall for these scare tactics?

In our high-stress jobs, the fear of losing stability can be a strong motivator, and management takes advantage of this.

The Avalanche of Anti-Union Propaganda

Management has hit us hard with anti-union propaganda—in crew rooms, during CQ training, and online. This constant barrage reinforces SkyWest's deep-rooted anti-union culture, making it tough for some of us to see past the rhetoric. It creates an environment where questioning management feels overwhelming and risky.

Personal Experiences and Relationships

Many of us have built strong relationships with our colleagues and managers over the years, which can influence our views on unionization. Trust developed over time can make some of us more likely to believe management. Management pressures "lead" Flight Attendants and those in special positions like Domicile Support Specialists (DSS) to push the company’s anti-union rhetoric. Coworkers in these roles shouldn’t be forced to choose between carrying out management’s anti-union strategy or losing a position they’ve worked hard to achieve. Ironically, our union will provide them with protection against this type of coercion.

Management uses manipulative tactics to pit us against each other to achieve its goals, making it feel risky and disloyal to question the status quo.

The Role of Fear and Uncertainty

SkyWest uses fear to discourage union support, even hinting that you’re safer if you help spread their misinformation. However, any sense of "protection" from siding with management is an illusion. Management often turns against those who help them once they no longer find them useful.

With a union in place, and even now, as AFA fights on our behalf against unjust discipline and termination, management will be held accountable for unfair things they've previously gotten away with. While some Flight Attendants might side with management, hoping to protect their jobs and livelihoods, the truth is that a union is the best way to ensure protection and safeguard our rights, jobs, and livelihoods.

Preconceived Notions from Past Experiences

Some coworkers come to SkyWest with an anti-union mindset developed over the years in environments and past workplaces that were hostile to unions. These experiences shape their views and make them more susceptible to management's anti-union rhetoric. They might see unions as unnecessary or even harmful, not realizing how a dedicated union like AFA can positively impact their careers and work conditions.

The Journey from Misinformation to Realization

Some of our coworkers begin supporting management's anti-union campaign initially to protect their immediate interests based on what they know. But their views often change once they learn the facts about unionization, the benefits of collective bargaining, and the true intentions behind management's rhetoric.

Realizing they've been misled can be a wake-up call. They start to see that a Flight Attendant-focused union like AFA exists to improve working conditions, secure better pay, and give us a stronger, unified voice in negotiations. Many workers also take for granted the workplace standards set by union efforts, like fair wages, safe working conditions, and reasonable working hours. This journey from misinformation to realization highlights the importance of ongoing education and open dialogue among us.

Moving Forward with Empathy

We need to approach our colleagues with empathy and understanding. They're not enemies but fellow Flight Attendants navigating a tough and often hostile environment created by management. We can help bridge the divide, dispel myths, and build solidarity by fostering a supportive and inclusive atmosphere.

Don’t forget that Flight Attendants who support management's anti-union campaign do so for various reasons, including misinformation, fear, and personal relationships. Their experiences and motivations deserve to be understood and respected. As more learn about our SkyWest AFA campaign, the truth about unionization, and its benefits, many will likely reconsider their stance, leading to increased solidarity among SkyWest Flight Attendants!

Gailen David

Gailen David is not just a name in the aviation industry; he is a symbol of a journey well-taken. A former airline purser and internationally recognized Jetiquette guru, Gailen has spent his illustrious career transforming the world of travel. His unwavering commitment to passenger comfort and his tireless advocacy for friendlier skies have made him a celebrated figure in aviation circles.

Having stood at the forefront as a champion for both travelers and airline personnel, Gailen utilizes his extensive experience to create a harmonious and respectful atmosphere aloft. He recognizes the intrinsic value of each passenger's experience and is unrelenting in his pursuit of excellence, ensuring everyone involved in the flight feels esteemed and acknowledged.

Gailen's keen eye for the nuances of travel has allowed him to become an influential voice in enhancing the resources and support systems that enable airline staff to perform their duties with grace and safety. His mission transcends the ordinary, elevating the travel experience to an art form where courtesy, enjoyment, and professionalism blend seamlessly.

With an innovative approach marked by a blend of empathy and practical know-how, Gailen promises a future where flying is an extraordinary experience, not just a means to an end. His work stands as a testament to a vision where the skies are filled with respect, grace, and joy for all. His symbol of a journey well-taken continues to inspire a generation of travelers and airline professionals.


Ep 18: New Hire Guide for SkyWest Flight Attendants


Ep 16: Don’t Get Played by Management