The Probation Situation. Let’s Change It!

Our probationary period at SkyWest is excessively long, and the conditions are unreasonable. For example, SkyWest requires a meeting with management before we are released from probation. In contrast, Flight Attendants with union contracts are released from probation automatically at the end of their probationary period. Many SkyWest Flight Attendants wait weeks for this meeting, which is on top of their probationary period, the longest in the industry.

Click on the image to download and print the Probation Comparison.

Based on surveys, our Flight Attendants want a shorter probation with less stress and uncertainty. We need the terms and length of our probation to be negotiated and locked into a contract. Management changes and ignores policy at this point, but we could hold them accountable with a legally binding contract.

Check out our handy comparison sheet outlining the probationary policies for flight attendants at SkyWest compared to those for AFA-represented regional carriers.

Our newest Flight Attendant coworkers deserve better!


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Ep 14: Let’s Get It Done! More in 2024!