It’s Time for Real Representation!

Paving a New Path: SkyWest AFA

Understanding Flight Attendant representation at SkyWest can sometimes feel like a complex puzzle. We're here to simplify this, underlining the key differences between company-sponsored groups like SIA and established labor unions such as AFA-CWA that independently represent the interests of Flight Attendants. 

SIA's Inception: A management tactic to make us think we have representation, when we don’t.

SIA was originally created as an employee group for part time Flight Attendants and has morphed into what you see today.  Management has used this group to fool our Flight Attendants for many years, that they are the voice for our group.  Management has taken advantage of our SIA members and Flight Attendant group by often sidelining the real needs and voices of our Flight Attendants.

Through the creation of SIA, management created the illusion of representation, in an attempt to prevent Flight Attendants from exercising our legal right to meaningful & honest representation.  We do not have a voice and our concerns in the workplace go unheard.  We desperately need representation of our own, truly voluntary peers, choosing to uphold an enforceable contract ratified by US, the Flight Attendant group. If something doesn’t seem right—it isn’t. Of course, we work with management when that benefits Flight Attendants, but we also hold management accountable when their actions hurt Flight Attendants. We never see disputes between SIA and management and that’s because SIA does not have the power to go up against the company.  They are merely an extension of management assigned to sell our Flight Attendant group on management’s narrative. 

The Critical Role of the Railway Labor Act (RLA) and the National Mediation Board 

It’s true that the only legally recognized and enforceable representation is grounded in the Railway Labor Act (RLA), which governs labor unions including AFA-CWA. The law facilitates binding agreements with employers, overseen by the U.S. government agency responsible for labor relations in the airline industry, the National Mediation Board ("NMB"), ensuring a transparent negotiation process and fair representation for employees. AFA-CWA Associate General Counsel John Morse explains, “By not having a true labor union representing your interests, Flight Attendants at SkyWest are deprived of a very useful resource in working with the NMB to negotiate legally-binding agreements with management. Without that legally-binding CBA, nothing stops SkyWest management from simply jettisoning parts or your entire policy that are inconvenient for management.”

By design, SIA lacks this crucial legal framework, allowing management to steer and alter “agreements” at their discretion, which leaves Flight Attendants unprotected.

AFA-CWA: A Resolute Support for Flight Attendants

In contrast, AFA-CWA, is the largest Flight Attendant Union and has consistently placed the priorities of its members first because it is run by Flight Attendants for Flight Attendants. Its financial and operational independence enables it to effectively advocate for Flight Attendants, free from management interference. As we stand now, we have attorney access through SIA, however, the company pays for these attorney’s, therefore making them obligated to the company and not us.  It is in direct violation of RLA rules for management to assist or contribute financially to any labor organization.  This funding MUST come from the members of the labor group, hence union dues.

Our Choice, Our Voice, Our Decision. 

Currently, SkyWest Flight Attendants are at a crossroads where our choice could significantly influence our working conditions. Joining AFA-CWA, which operates within the RLA's legal structure, delivers a platform where concerns identified by us are both heard and acted upon, fostering a work environment that respects and safeguards every Flight Attendant's rights.

As we face the future, choosing a path that provides independent, legally-recognized representation is vital to promoting a balanced and legally secure workplace for all.


AFA Responds to Management’s Retaliation


Ep 5: Red Hot Summer of Solidarity