Ep 8: Let’s Talk About Probation

Nothing is more nerve-wracking than being a flight attendant on probation, and SkyWest notoriously has one of the hardest and longest probations in the industry.  The company loves to say that our probation is no different than anywhere else, that no airline has any protections for probationary flight attendants.  But is that true?  What can and can’t a union do to protect probationary flight attendants?  We did a deep dive into the contracts and probationary policies of nine regional airlines: Envoy, Horizon, Piedmont, Endeavor, PSA, Mesa, Air Wisconsin, GoJet, and SkyWest.  Flight attendants at all these airlines except SkyWest are represented by the Association of Flight Attendants (AFA). 

Read more about how they stack up.


Ep 9: Contract Negotiations


Let’s Talk About Probation